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3E Data Insights

A powerful way to transform, analyze, and visualize data

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Create stunning reports with interactive data visualizations

3E Data Insights can help your firm create actionable insights and make data-driven decisions to keep your business on track. Easily tap into multiple data sources to create rich, role-based interactive reports that provide timely, valuable information tailored to what each manager needs—when they need it.

Visualize your data to tell a story

3E Data Insights is a self-service tool, making it easy for you to tweak reports, add firm-specific calculations, configure new reports, and make proactive decisions. You can easily tap into multiple data sources to unlock KPIs quickly, share insights, and make timely decisions based on facts.

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Key benefits

Configurable and flexible

Available on desktop or mobile, the Data Insights drag-and-drop design includes more than 100 modern data visuals from Microsoft® and partners in the community.

Unmatched power

Microsoft Power BI® will help you quickly and easily create new or ad hoc reports, set goals and track progress, and collaborate in Teams so you can make data-driven decisions that help keep your business on track.

Forecasting in the cloud

Predictive analytics provide insights to help you run your business better using quick analytics and simple forecasting techniques.

Overcome law firm challenges with 3E Data Insights

Today’s lawyers need to pinpoint the critical areas that are underperforming. Your law firm needs the ability to predict performance and change the results before it is too late. Data Insights can help meet these challenges and more:

Strict firm reporting requirements

Long extraction process for reporting information

Hard-to-consume, unorganized data without visuals

Lack of account details and transactions for trustees

3E Data Insights dashboards

Multiple dashboards provide individuals in your firm with metrics specific to their role, helping them effectively manage their tasks and performance. See how 3E Data Insights can solve the most important questions you have:

Common questions

How is the firm performing against targets?

Is the firm profitable or profitable enough to increase the bottom line?

How 3E Data Insights can help

Review firm performance.

Determine top performers, underperformers, and outliers.

Evaluate firm profitability and see indicators that can pinpoint issues.

View cost and margin details broken down to the level and dimension you need to manage the firm.

Common questions

How is my practice group performing against targets?

What is the profitability of my practice group?

How 3E Data Insights can help

Measure practice group performance and profitability.

Understand how to monitor and change individual contributors.

Leverage the data to increase profits and gain efficiencies that can make your practice group more competitive.

Common questions

Am I meeting my targets?

Am I missing any time?

How is my utilization?

What work have I done for my clients and matters?

How 3E Data Insights can help

View missing hours YTD.

Compare work hours against YTD target.

Review the work completed for individual clients and matters.

Common questions

Are my WIP and AR aging within acceptable standards?

Am I meeting my billing targets?

What is my billing realization against the standard billing rate?

How 3E Data Insights can help

Quickly see if WIP and AR target days outstanding are meeting the targets.

See how long it takes on an average bill.

View intuitive profitability analytics on clients and matters.

Common questions

Do I share origination with other originating fee earners and what’s my % origination credit?

What are the stats and targets for the matters I help to originate?

How 3E Data Insights can help

Determine matters with shared and non-shared origination credit.

View current and historical performance for these matters.

See other individuals who are responsible for billing and otherwise managing the matter.

Ready to get started?

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